
Showing posts from November, 2016

The Great Divide

The History A video on the news this morning depicted white nationalists raising their arms straight out in front of them after Nazi Germany "Hail Hitler" fashion while declaring “hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” ( Source ) This kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable . The phrase “seig heil”, German for “Hail victory”, was adopted by Nazis in the 1930’s to signify obedience to the National Socialist (Nazi) party’s leader, Adolf Hitler. The promotion of the National Socialist party also served to “glorify the German nation”, which later influenced the German war effort that induced World War II; and subsequently America’s military involvement. ( Source ) Perceptibly, recreating this behavior is abhorable for anyone in any country in any time period, but it is most especially deplorable for any member of the United States of America. Tens-of-thousands of American lives were lost as the USA fought against the Hitler’s agenda for world domination...

Our “Broken System” Is What Grants You Freedom: Why the Electoral College (Among Other U.S. Government Practices) is Important

As the (bizarre) 2016 election cycle came to a dramatic finish, emotions ran high. And although most of us welcome the relief accompanying the conclusion of this political race, a lot of Americans also find themselves confused as they sort through, and embrace, the new reality and future of our great nation (and relearn how to play nicely with their fellow countrymen). But this is important; we ought to expect that working through a change as drastic as an Obama-to-Trump presidency will take a bit of sorting out. And that’s okay. I do not believe that we should be discouraging America from working through this transition by attempting to hush the concerns of the affected individuals. Which is all of us – we are all affected by this extraordinary evolution. Rather, we ought to allow each other to (respectfully) express our concerns and desires, and work together to resolve those apprehensions after true American fashion: united. With that said, I want to help my peers...

A Few Words on Abortion

As one of the most heated topics in the political world at the moment, I want to address a few misconceptions that tend to surround the issue of abortion. As Jeffrey R. Holland so eloquently stated in one of his most famous speeches, the responsibility to give and take away life is one that should always be treated with reverence and respect. ( Source ) With that said, here are a few misconceptions to keep in mind when considering this sensitive issue. I do not believe that we should altogether do away with abortions. I’m not sure anyone believes that. Sometimes an abortion may be a necessary medical procedure for the physical or emotional (in the case of rape or incest) health of the woman. I recognize that. Some people argue that abortions are never medically necessary – I do not have enough professional medical experience to say one way or the other. But I can say that in my experience, exceptions are sometimes appropriate in a situation as sensitive as this. ...