The Great Divide

The History A video on the news this morning depicted white nationalists raising their arms straight out in front of them after Nazi Germany "Hail Hitler" fashion while declaring “hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” ( Source ) This kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable . The phrase “seig heil”, German for “Hail victory”, was adopted by Nazis in the 1930’s to signify obedience to the National Socialist (Nazi) party’s leader, Adolf Hitler. The promotion of the National Socialist party also served to “glorify the German nation”, which later influenced the German war effort that induced World War II; and subsequently America’s military involvement. ( Source ) Perceptibly, recreating this behavior is abhorable for anyone in any country in any time period, but it is most especially deplorable for any member of the United States of America. Tens-of-thousands of American lives were lost as the USA fought against the Hitler’s agenda for world domination...