Myths About Vaccination: Setting the Facts Straight

Anyone that knows me very well is going to be unsurprised that I decided to write this post. Vaccinations are one of the most heated topics in Public Health, and one that I find myself (passionately) defending often. Because I find myself having these conversation so frequently, I wanted to compile all of the arguments that I keep hearing about vaccinations in once place, and set the facts straight. So let’s get to it. Pharmaceutical Companies (“Big Pharma”) are Corrupt True. Anyone who has spent ten minutes (literally or otherwise) in the upper echelon of a pharmaceutical company can easily understand that it really is about the money. These businessmen/women understand that drugs make money, and just like any successful business person, they use that to their best advantage. Unfortunately, it seems that among the United States (and other developed countries), there is sparse morality in this industry, and this can be a serious point of contention. That sai...