As I Have Loved You, Part II

I wrote a blog post back in March about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and LGBTQ+ doctrine and policies. It’s one of my highest viewed posts – and I’m glad you guys liked it. This is a topic that I’ve been studying for several years now, trying to understand, because it’s helped me differentiate doctrine from culture and tradition. Which, I've said before but I'll keep saying, is the truth that saved my testimony. This post is a little different than my last. I’ve had countless conversations this year with saints on every point of the traditional/progressive spectrum about this, and so I want to outline here some of the things I’ve learned about LGBTQ+ saints and Church doctrine that’s expanded my understanding. It's interesting -- lot of traditional members of the Church of Jesus Christ have told me, after reading my post or listening to me defend my position on LGBTQ+ relationships, that I’ve simply succumbed to progressive agendas. I find this fee...