As I Have Loved You

I am so disappointed in the behavior of church members following the statement released by BYU this week. If you haven’t been following the recent changes to LGBTQ+ policies in the church, I’ll catch you up quickly. In February 2020, the church updated the General Handbook. Part of the updates included rewording the sections about same-sex relationships and homosexuality to make it more inclusive and more representative of the doctrine. Following suit, BYU updated the honor code a few weeks later. In response, LGBTQ+ students tentatively approached the honor code office seeking clarification about what the changes to the honor code meant, and were informed by the HCO that it meant same-sex dating (hand-holding, kissing, going on dates) at BYU was okay as long as they lived the law of chastity like their heterosexual peers (no sexual relations before marriage). Two weeks later (4 March 2020), BYU released a statement “clarifying” the update to the honor code, which included ...