I attended the temple every week for ten years. Here’s what I learned.

“If you don’t yet love the temple, go more often—not less. Let the Lord, through His Spirit, teach and inspire you there. I promise you that over time, the temple will become a place of safety, solace, and revelation." President Russell M. Nelson …Actually, of the 520 weeks in those ten years, I missed five of them. But 515 of 520 is still something to write home about. Over the last decade, I’ve probably spent close to 1,000 hours as a patron in the temple and done proxy work for more than 2,300 people. It’s been a hefty investment. Closing a chapter always feels one of two ways to me. Either exhausted bliss, usually accompanied by a great sense of achievement – like at my academic graduation ceremonies – or longing with a twinge of grief that my life will never be the same – like when I retired my little rescue horse from competition. Today, I feel both. When I began this journey in January of 2013, I didn’t intend to keep it up this long. It started as a New Year’s Resolut...